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Submission guidelines & fAQ


omelette mag is a Singapore-based lit magazine accepting poetry, prose, art and photography. Serve us your sunny-side-up poems, your soufflé stories, your scrambled thoughts and feelings, and keep 'em coming. No, but really, we're open to art in all its forms, structures, and styles--just get your message across to us and you're golden. So get cracking and send us your work!


We welcome submissions from anyone and everyone, especially women, artists in the LGBTQ+ community, and those who identify as disabled and/or neurodiverse. Since omelette mag is a Singapore-based magazine, we are also committed to furthering Singapore's arts scene - Singaporean writers/artists/photographers, submit your work to us! We promise to take good care of it.


Having said that, it goes without saying that omelette mag does not accept any work that includes homophobia, ableism, transphobia, fatphobia, islamophobia, sexism, racism and work that contains discriminatory or prejudiced views of any kind. If you send us harmful pieces, we will ignore any submissions you send us in the future.



You are allowed to submit to more than one category, but please send multiple category submissions in separate emails. 


We accept simultaneous submissions! We just ask that in the case that your submission is accepted elsewhere (in which case, congratulations!), you send us an email to let us know. We do not accept previously published work, but pieces posted on social media or personal blogs are accepted.


We accept poetry (both visual and non-visual), prose, flash fiction, art, and photography. Please send all submissions to  For the subject of your email, please use the format "[GENRE SUBMISSION] - NAME". (For example, if you are submitting poetry: "POETRY SUBMISSION - MARY LIM".) Include your name, a short third-person bio, and social media handles in the body of the email (this last one is optional). 


Please allow up to three weeks for feedback from us. 


Below are some additional guidelines for submissions: 



Send up to 3 poems on a single word document (.doc/.docx). Make sure to include page breaks (after each poem) and titles, so we know where one ends and the other begins. 


Visual Poetry


Send no more than three pieces as separate attachments in your email. 




Send up to 2 prose pieces (3000 words or less) on a single word document. Make sure to include page breaks (after each prose piece) and titles, so we know where one ends and the other one begins. 


creative nonFiction


Send up to 2 creative nonfiction pieces (3000 words or less) on a single word document. Make sure to include page breaks (after each creative nonfiction piece) and titles, so we know where one ends and the other one begins.


Flash Fiction


Send up to 3 flash fiction pieces (750 words or less). Make sure to include page breaks (after each prose piece) and titles, so we know where one ends and the other one begins. 


Art & Photography


Send up to 5 pieces as separate attachments (JPEG/PNG) in your email. Please save photos using their titles or “untitled” when submitting. Feel free to get creative--we are open to all kinds of art/photography!

Submit now!

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