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Serene Ng

Co-editor in chief of Ome

Serene Ng (she/her) is primarily Ome's Prose Editor. She’s almost always working on her novel. When she’s not writing, she’s either reading, listening to spoken word poetry or the Les Mis soundtrack, or watching animal documentaries. She’s currently studying English Literature. Find her on Twitter @ginnamassa, although she tweets absolutely nothing.


Nikki Yeo

Co-editor in chief of Ome

Nikki Yeo (she/her) is primarily Ome's Poetry Editor. She has almost always said "I like to read" when asked to give one interesting fact about herself. Besides that, she also loves to sew and is very excited by art, hence the Literature major and Arts minor. Send her a dm @tealepathy on Instagram to share a book rec or add her on Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp!


Q: Why did you start this lit mag?

As mentioned in our first post, we’re two *young Singaporean writers* who’ve been dipping our toes into the Singapore writing community for a while — we’ve been participating in, for example, the Singapore NaNoWriMo community since we were 14 (a very long time ago now). The desire to make a difference in Singapore’s arts scene has grown along with us, and that’s the reason why we started this lit mag!

We wanted to create, specifically, a space to share literature and art. There aren’t many platforms in Singapore spaces just for creative work, so this is what we came up with—a place to showcase exactly this. Our local arts scene has so much to offer, and we want to celebrate that!

Having said that, we’re firm believers in the idea that art and writing from anywhere in the world is influenced by so much more than just local contexts and arbitrary boundaries, especially in today’s *gestures expansively to everything* Age Of Internet Things. So we welcome submissions from all over the world! We appreciate each and every one of you who even considers submitting your work to us.


Q: Do you charge for submissions?

No — Ome does not and will never charge for submissions! Our aim is to make this platform as accessible to as wide an audience as possible because we want to hear and uplift as many voices as possible. We’d be limiting you, and ourselves, if we did charge for submissions. Do keep in mind, though, that because we don’t charge for submissions, we won’t be able to pay contributors. Then again, we don’t profit from Ome either—this lit mag is a labour of love, and we’re really doing it because we want to. So we’re really sorry we can’t pay you, but we can’t pay ourselves, either! Whoops.


Q: How do I submit? What can I submit?

You can refer to our SUBMISSIONS GUIDELINES page if you’re thinking about submitting! All the relevant information is there, and if you have any more specific questions, feel free to shoot us a DM on Instagram or Twitter at @omelettemag.


Q: Where can I find you?/ If I have questions, where can I direct them?

You can find us on Twitter and Instagram at @omelettemag or on Facebook at the Omelette Mag page. Simply DM us if you have any questions, and we’ll get back to you ASAP!

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